Missing in Khao Lak, Thailand
From an email
we desperately need help to locate a man and his son.
the wife and 2 of the kids is home in Finland and the son is still bad injured in a hospital in Finland.
We have search alot in internet and we have found them listed as swedish and that is wrong since they live in Finland and is only swedish talking.
I will copy the information about these missing persons and i pray with all my heart that we can find them.
We have also found them listed as *go home* and *injured* but we cant find the link where we found them injured but i found the link where they say they had went home but that is so wrong,they are not home in Finland.
The missing persons is:
Alf Michael Gustafsson and his son Alexander Gustafsson.
Sincerely Ann Lindberg email: torigirls AT hotmail DOT com
Alf Michael Gustafsson [view picture]
Age 37, Height: 180-185cm, Weight ~80kg, Brown eyes, Brown hair, Freckled on the back, Short teeth.
Wearing: Swim shorts, black with grey markings, Gold(wedding) ring with marking on inside"Carola 7.3.1993"
Last seen 26.12.2004 at Blue Village Pakarang Hotel in Khao Lak Thailand at the swimming pool of the hotel when waves hit. He ran out(or tried to) after which lost contact.
Alexander Gustafsson [view picture]
Age 9, Height: 135-140cm, Weight ~31kg, Grey eyes, Blond hair, Brown birthmark on stomach near navel, Red birthmark on the neck(under hair), Short(bitten) finger nails.
Wearing: Swim shorts(short legs), dark-blue with red picture
Nationality: Finnish (Swedish speaking)
Last seen: 26.12.2004 at Blue Village Pakarang Hotel in Khao Lak Thailand, at the swimming pool of the hotel when waves hit. He ran out (or tried to) after which lost contact.
My name is Marilyn.R.Pye.
I am writing on behlf of my younger brother, who is trying to locate or get info regarding
Natalie and Gabrielle King (sisters from Sydney, Australia.)
Now missing.
They were tourists visiting area/s affected by the Boxing Day tsunami.
My email address is:
My name is Marilyn.R.Pye.
I am writing on behalf of my younger brother, who is trying to locate or get info regarding
Natalie and Gabrielle King (sisters from Sydney, Australia.)
Now missing.
They were tourists visiting area/s affected by the Boxing Day tsunami.
My email address is:
Information for Alf Michael Gustafsson can be found at http://missingpersons.or.th/lostform_foundlistdetail.php?lost_id=200501086113The best place to locate tsunami victims *in*Thailand* is http://www.inet.co.th/tsunami/search.php
I was wondering if anyone heard about the possibility to find people via handy search. Someone posts a number of a missing person here and the readers try to reach the number in his own country.
here in germany we have had lots of TV shows spotting the missing persons. Please call one of our TV channels to get Info or a definated listing.
...nice idea, thx!
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I hope all you people find your loved ones. I could not imagine what it is like not knowing. God bless, my thoughts and prayers.
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Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:50 PM
Subject: Do you recognize this girl?
It is a long-shot that someone will know this young lady, but if we send it to many, many people, perhaps someone's forwarded message will find relative or someone who knows her.
Keith M. Nelson
McCurley, Orsinger, McCurley, Nelson & Downing, L.L.P.
Attorneys at Law
5950 Sherry Lane, Suite 800
Dallas , Texas 75! 225
Phone: 214/273-2400
Fax: 214/273-2470
Subject: Do you recognize this girl?
This little girl is at the Phuket Hospital in Thailand.
She does not remember her own name or anything! She has lost her parents.
She must be of Western origin. She was a victim when she got caught in the Tsunami (tidal wave) disaster in Phuket, Thailand and nobody knows who she is, so we are hoping if we distribute this email around the world ! someone will know her.
Please forward this to all your contacts.
Someone might realize who she is. Thank you for taking the time to look...
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