New Missing Persons Website -
A new website and Crises center have been created in Bangkok for collecting more information of the missing persons from the Tsunami catastrophe.
Collected information from us will automatically be sent to different missing person’s location around Thailand, Embassies and the Thailand CSI unit in Phuket and Pang Nga.
The person posting, Embassies Authority’s and C.S.I in Thailand will be able to edit and delete the post as soon as the person has been found. A function that before this not existed.
The center will be opened for people to use internet, post ads, talk with fellow compatriots, make overseas calls, post pictures, and add more information to what is happening on a “we remember” website.
Volunteers from different countries run the center through a website company in central Bangkok.
Please visit and make a difference today
Collected information from us will automatically be sent to different missing person’s location around Thailand, Embassies and the Thailand CSI unit in Phuket and Pang Nga.
The person posting, Embassies Authority’s and C.S.I in Thailand will be able to edit and delete the post as soon as the person has been found. A function that before this not existed.
The center will be opened for people to use internet, post ads, talk with fellow compatriots, make overseas calls, post pictures, and add more information to what is happening on a “we remember” website.
Volunteers from different countries run the center through a website company in central Bangkok.
Please visit and make a difference today
I received an email yesterday from the Skyone Yahoo group which deals with airline related subjects. It included a photo of a girl who doesn't remember anything and is in a Phuket hospital. I don't know if it is a spoof or not, but if there are any websites to post photos of unidentified children from the tsunami in Thailand, please let me know. If anyone wants to see the photo, I can forward it.
Ken Sanford
Geneva, Switzerland
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