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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Finding missing persons in Myanmar

The Center for Diplomatic Missions has staff on the ground in Myanmar (Burma) and is willing to relay missing persons inquiries for local effort to locate by phone or address visit.

Send the best available data regarding the person sought, include all hotel names, cities and any other data you may have or suspicion -- the more information you provide the better our staff can assist you.

Communications in and out are difficult-to-impossible, but we have Satphone contact with email relay and will be happy to assist as many as possible.

James A. Howell, Director
The Center for Diplomatic Missions
Washington, DC (202) 331-6640
New York, NY (212) 714-8360
Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 588-0264

3 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Dear Mr. Howell, we are trying to locate MR ROBERTO ELINI from Bologna, Italy, 51 years old, known to be travelling to Myanmar at the time of the disaster. He is about 1.80 metre tall, slim, short grey hair, travelling on his own by local transport means, we have no exact itinerary available to try and locate him from here. Any info you may be able to supply would be greately appreciated as family and friends here in Italy are very worried. In case you may come accross any news about him, please be so kind to email my private address at mrp@semca.com. My name is Mariarosa Pacorigh, I am writing from Italy. Many sincere thanks in advance for any cooperation you may be able to give us and God bless you all who are trying to help ! Thanks from the heart.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My close friend Gian (pronounced John) Garambone was travelling in Indonesia, was planning to go to Burma. Neither his brother or I have heard from him since the tusnami. He is 49, about 5'8", white but dark italian looking. Australian citizenship, but grew up in Bronx, New York, born in Italy. Please send me any information you may have. Thank you, Claudia Weil ceweil@adelphia.net (330) 666-3715

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Dear Mr.Howell,
Thank you very much for your department to give us the opportunity to help find out our loved ones at this terrifying situation. My daughter Marisa Kwek and son-in-law Christopher Stewart arrived in Burma on 12.19.2004, and suppose to leave for San Francisco via Singapore on 01.08.2005.I have not heard from them since and our family are very worried. I hope you could give us any information to their whereabouts. Their itenerary are as follows: 12.20:Yangon to Sittwe to Mrauk U to Thandwe to Ngapali to Pyay.
12.27: Pyay to Bagan to Mandalay and environs to Taunggui to Toungoo.
01.03 :Toungoo to Bago to Yangon to Mawlamyaing and environs and return.
01.08: Yangon to Singapore
01.09 Singapore to San Francisco.
My e-mail address is kahlooiy@yahoo.co.nz
May God bless you all.
Ever grateful, peter.

7:41 PM