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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Indian Marine Biologist (Tripathy) Missing


Source : NDTV

Among the thousands missing after Sunday's tsunami disaster is a young biologist from Cuttack in Orissa, who was working in Great Nicobar.

Even a week after the tsunami disaster, the wife and parents of the young marine biologist have no information on his whereabouts. Ambika Prasanna Tripathy, the biologist, was working on the Leatherback sea turtles near Campbell Bay in Great Nicobar.

The last time he had talked to his family was a week before the tsunami struck the island.

"We don't have any information about him," said Pratibha Tripathy, wife.

Uncertainty looms

Tripathy was camping at Point 41 in Great Nicobar for a research project funded by the Andaman Nicobar Environment Trust ( ANET ).

Because the area is not open to civilians and the communication lines are also dead, the family has been appealing to the Coastguard and local government agencies for information, but all in vain.

"In the news they say the tribal pockets there are alright. If that is the case, the area must also be alright and somebody should have gone and found out about the welfare of the people there, especially the outsiders," said N K Tripathy, the father.

Although Tripathy's wife and father have not lost hopes, it's been a nightmarish, week-long wait for his mother. And until there is some information available on the researcher, each passing minute only adds to the family's worst apprehensions.
3 Comments Post a Comment
Blogger Unknown said :

Test Comment

5:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

The person is yet to be found.
He is my cousin and we are all still waiting for news on him.
All news that was released then, about him being found, is a hoax.

i dunno why this report says that he's found!

6:48 AM  
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